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My purpose In Life

Teaching is perhaps the noblest job in the world!

From childhood to old age we learn by listening, we learn by observing, we learn by reading, and we learn by doing things for ourselves. We are always acquiring knowledge.

We can keep all that knowledge to ourselves… but if we need to pass on to others what we have learnt, then we become Teachers.

There is a lot of value in the teaching profession, especially if we are able to give new meaning to what we have learned – our contribution to knowledge – or if we are good communicators. If we are both, if we combine good content with good form, then we are the best kind of Teacher.

Curiosity has always been one of my characteristics!

I do whatever it takes to understand what, why, how, when – and by whose hands and thoughts – the world changes.

I love to see, hear, read, talk, discuss and argue about the past, the present, and the future of everything, boldly but with the utmost intellectual honesty.

My professional career evolved around Management, Business Strategy and Marketing; therefore, these were the topics I learned and studied the most.

I have covered all the stages of my professional life with this deep need to share my knowledge with the people I have worked with. I have always encouraged them to keep learning and to share what they have learned.

Knowledge only makes sense to me if it is shared. That is why I dedicated my spare time to teaching in Business Schools.

I then realised that teaching is the task I love the most!  Maybe I like to talk, or I like people to listen to me… or both. I don’t know! 

But I always try very hard to add value with my reasoning and thoughts to what I have learned and share it with others, preferably passing it on to the next generations. 

The paradox is that I feel students teach me much more than I teach them. I would never have such a broad perspective on any subject without their experience and the discussions in class. 

Socrates said: “I know that I know nothing”! 

Well, I don’t know how much I know, but what I do know is that my aim is to share every little bit of it.

That is why I see myself as a teacher! 

And this is, without a doubt, my purpose in life.


CV’s are lists of positions we’ve held, but they say little about what we've actually done and influenced to happen, and especially say little about why we did it.
I prefer to detail my purpose and pay tribute to the people who directly influenced me and ultimately ended up guiding our professional and often personal lives, through episodes that often seem insignificant but that shaped our thinking and behavior.
My gratitude to them is endless.

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Belmiro de Azevedo

“..You are not fast enough. Find a solution!”

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Jose Santos

“… That is irrelevant …”

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Jose Ramalho Fontes

“…Ramiro, if you really like to teach, how would you like to teach at our Business School…?

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Eugenio Viassa Monteiro

His Indian ancestry was not, and is not, unrelated to his wisdom.

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Jorge Magalhaes Correia

“...when there are so many ways to tell the truth, why not choose the right one?... “

My Business Schools

AESE | Portugal

AESE – the first Portuguese Business School – was founded in 1980. AESE is a member of IESE International Business Schools Network.

IIM | Rohtak | India

The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)offer undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and executive programms along with some additional courses in the field of business administration. The establishment of IIMs was initiated by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime minister of India.

Instituto San Telmo | Spain

San Telmo Business School provides professional training activities– some of which are unique in Europe, like their scope on agro-business–, that help senior managers to take increasingly fairer and more sensible decisions as well as to manage effectively and with respect for their collaborators.

ASM | Angola

AESE Business School (Lisbon, Portugal) teamed with Facide (a Luanda based association of executives) to launch ASM – Angola School of Management providing Senior Executive Programs.

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