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Curated by Ramiro Martins

Strategy Talks is a platform for sharing knowledge.
I have had the privilege of knowing highly talented people throughout my life.
Professors, colleagues, students and people I worked with, every moment was a source of inspiration and knowledge about Management, Strategy, Marketing, and real life.

I believe knowledge should not be kept but shared, otherwise it will be lost.
I believe it was this desire to share knowledge that motivated me as a practitioner to become a Teacher.

Throughout my professional and academic life, I have developed my own thinking on many topics.
And The Power Triangle Framework is one of the most important outcomes: a structure I created with Academic Fellow – Eurico Nobre – that allows to analyze and advise on complex business strategy problems.

If you would like to participate or receive a notification when a new Talk is posted, please click here.


One of the most important outcomes of my reflation on Strategy: that allows to analyze and advise on complex business strategy problems.

Talks with...

The aim of "Talks with..." is to record and share conversations with individuals who possess unique perspectives on subjects we are passionate about, fostering the exchange of ideas among like-minded enthusiasts.

Other Talks

Reading articles or simply discussing subjects with people, sometimes ideas or unassuming reflections emerge. 

Some shake up the ideas we've made, others just add to the edifice we've built.

This is the aim of Other Talks: to share these simple, unpretentious ideas in order to make think again.


Books make you think.
We may agree, we may disagree, but they always help to evolve our thinking.

Sharing some outstanding books encourage reading and discussion on the subjects of Strategy


The best way to pass on knowledge is by organizing it into classes, lectures and courses.

These are some of the master classes, short programs and integrated programs I currently teach at different Business Schools on Strategy, Management, Marketing and Sport Management.

The Power Triangle Strategy

1 lecture
1 Case Study
(150 min)

Strategy In Action

1 lecture
1 to 4 case studies
(150 to 300 min)

The Customer Experience

1 lecture
1 to 4 case studies
(150 to 300 min)

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I don't particularly like CVs

They're lists of dates and positions we've held, but they say little about what we've actually done and influenced to happen, and especially say little about why we did it.

I prefer to detail my purpose and pay tribute to the people who directly influenced me and ultimately ended up guiding our professional and often personal lives, through episodes that often seem insignificant but that shaped our thinking and behavior.

My gratitude to them is endless.

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