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Brand Concepts

Master Classes

What is a Brand?

Essentially, a brand consists of a set of information pre-digested by consumers and to which they access through indexes such as a logo or a jingle or a scent. And based on that information, customers decide whether they like it or not, whether they want to buy or not. It is therefore a guide to take fundamental decisions that impact revenue and value.

But how is a brand built? What is the Brand Identity, Brand image, Brand Personality and how do they interact and impact each other?

In this Master Class, the existing architecture between these different concepts is dissected to understand how they can be managed to maximize the value of the brand.

Using countless practical examples, the Master Class presents a Framework that works as a criterion for selecting investments in creating a brand, avoiding unnecessary or harmful investments to the final objective: increasing the Reputation and value of the Brand.

Next edition@AESE Business School, Lisbon, several Programs

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