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The oldest job in the world

Master Classes

The millions of profiles on Instagram, Facebook or Tik-Tok are not all the same. They all use the same platform, but the metrics of likes, followers or viewers, transform some anonymous profiles or of reach only of friends and acquaintances into character profiles, which impact and influence the thinking, opinions and decisions of other profiles.

A digital influencer is thus an individual or a character who used social networks to express analyses through online text or video publications and who is followed by a certain audience.[4]

The economy associated with these Characters – and their opinion that is bought and sold – draws on this new “currency” whose management by companies cannot be forgotten in the communication and sales strategy of brands.

The impact and practices of this area of knowledge in companies and organisations are addressed in this Master Class, illustrated with numerous real cases.

Next edition@AESE Business School, Lisbon, several Programs

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