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Predictive Marketing and AI

Master Classes

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science have entered the reality of our lives with a strong impact. Companies like Netflix suggest movies by predicting our preferences, like Linkedin which suggests people as our acquaintances who really are, or Google which suggests products that we actually want, are giants that have promoted and used artificial intelligence based on the huge amount of data they collect from their customers. But are these techniques only accessible to giants and to those who have great investment capacity?

The Master Class Predictive Marketing and AI has as a fundamental point to demystify these techniques, clarifying that even small organizations can take advantage of them and should take advantage of them very quickly.

In this Master Class we look at how Alllianz can predict which of their customers will undergo hip replacements before they know it, how DBS Bank predicts which branches will be fraudulent before they even know it or how Verizon predicts which customers will leave before they have even communicated their decision.

But more importantly, it will help you think about what informed predictions you can make in your organization.

What do you want to predict?

Excerpts from Lecture:

Next edition@AESE Business School, Lisbon, several Programs

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