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Storytelling in the Digital World

Short Programs

Storytelling has always been central to human experience – it’s how we explain and make sense of the world. But today as media audiences begin to tune out advertising messages while searching for ever-more-immersive-entertainment experiences, the way business and professional need to communicate is changing. This two-day Storytelling MasterClass shows how to achieve maximum impact in a digital world.

Case Studies from world class companies like Burberry’s or Harry’s will be discussed alongside with lectures on how to imagine, design, plan and implement your story with immersive experiences in the digital environment of the 21st Century. Lessons from blockbuster directors like Steven Spielberg or writers like Stieg Larsson are discussed with top examples from Disney or Pixar.

At the end of this master class and workshop you will take with you :

- the draft of your own Company storytelling
- the road-map to implement it
- your audience target and tools of amplification

Next edition@AESE Business School, Lisbon, September 25th, 2021

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