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The Power Triangle Strategy

"Why would they cry?"

Strategy is often confused with complex and complicated thinking about how to decide the future of an organization in a competitive environment.

But strategy should be seen in a much simpler way: it is about identifying a goal for an organization, clarifying its challenge and identifying the two or three key steps to achieving it.


The tricky part is implementing it.

Starting with very simple questions help you go through this process:


Why would customers cry if you disappear?

Who are they?

What do you promise them?

How do you deliver your promise?


The answers to these questions will help you design your Strategy Plan and build your Reputation.


Think on Why would they cry? as your Business Purpose

Think on Who are they? as your customer base;

Think on What you say to the market as your Value proposition.

Think on How do you do it? As your Customer Experience


And What they say about you? as your Reputation.


The Powerful Triangle of Strategy has “what you say”, “what you do”, and “how they see you” on the three vertices. The “Who and Why”, as the Business Purpose, at the core.
Great companies have these three vertices of this Power Triangle very well aligned. Customers don’t see any difference. Other companies are in trouble because customers see “what you do”  as different from “what you say you do”.
The Power Triangle is a powerful methodology to assess the three vertices through your customers eyes and see where you stand and where you should go.
When you achieve that stage, is when your strategy is truly implemented. Only then, your Company will thrive.

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