
Adam and Eve on Marketing

Marketing, often underestimated, shapes consumer choices. Despite its negative reputation, it’s a powerful tool that influences decisions, as seen in the biblical story. Are there lessons we can take for today?

Adam and Eve on Marketing
Abstract light reflections creating a prism effect, symbolizing clarity, vision, and inspiration.

Marketing has always been regarded as an unserious activity. Who has never heard someone say a misleading statement: Ah, that’s marketing! 

Jacques Séguèla gave the title “don’t tell my mother I’m in advertising, she thinks I play the piano in a brothel…”. Very enlightening. He could have changed the word advertising to Marketing and no one would argue that he was abusive It tells a lot about the reputation of those who work in marketing.

But marketing should deserve more respect!

Just imagine how you would choose Nespresso if George Clooney didn’t ask you, “What else? “Or if Nike didn’t encourage you with, “Just do it!
But how can marketing have a good reputation?
Take the episode of Adam and Eve. They were living in Paradise. What more could one ask for?

At one point, the wicked serpent decided to twist their lives by offering Eve an apple (not a MacBook, as desirable as that may be in this day and age)! 

What was the serpent doing? The snake was presenting the product – the apple – to its customer – Eve!

The serpent told Eve that the apple would give her superpowers – false promotion!

The apple was free – what an incredible price! A promise is Nothing different from what Google and Meta try to fool everyone nowadays.
And finally, no Place problem: she had it delivered to her home just as Uber Eats would promise today.

As we can see, in this episode of Paradise the four p’s are present. 
Knowing the consequences for humanity of Eve’s decision no one can argue that marketing is a decent activity. 
And if all this wasn’t bad enough, notice who the marketing manager was: the serpent!

So please, don’t tell my mother, I’m a marketing professor! 
Be careful with marketing experts! They are snakes, they can bite you, but they can also take you to Paradise:

”I will drink my Nespresso, after typing this text on my MacBook Pro, where I Googled how the Dow Jones is doing today”!

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