
Marketing Management Outsourcing

Empower your business with a dedicated, expert-led marketing team without the cost and complexity of in-house hires

Business professional writing on paper with a laptop nearby, representing strategic planning and documentation.
Most companies don't have the Strategy and Marketing resources to thrive.

Is Marketing Management Outsourcing a way-out ?
Almost 52% think it is.
Relying on a single individual or a small in-house team often isn’t enough to stay competitive and forward-thinking in a market that requires specialized skills and strategic agility.
Donut chart showing marketing outsourcing statistics: 52.5% outsource, 41.4% use a hybrid model, and 6.1% do not outsource. Source: SEMrush.
Marketing Management Outsourcing optimizes your Resources and let you focus on your Business
By outsourcing your Marketing Department to Essency, you gain access to experts in diverse areas who understand your business, pinpoint your strategic challenges, and execute the right actions. This approach is both economical and effective, allowing you to implement or refine strategies without the overhead of a full-scale internal team.
From Market Research to Product Development, from Brand Management to Advertising and Public Relations, from CRM to Digital Marketing and SEO, we support all functions, while advising on Pricing and Channel Distribution policies.

How Do We Help

Starting Point:
Your strategy
We begin by preparing the Plan of Growth and Reputation of your Businees.
This brings clarity to your business challenges, objectives, existing strategies, ensuring our approach is fully aligned with your Business Purpose, Value Proposition and Customer Experience .
Develop & Execute
We identify your operating needs optimizing your Budget.
We identify the right resources and the right suppliers to Implement your customized, data-driven marketing plans using the Power Triangle Methodology to create clear messaging, engaging campaigns, and consistent brand experiences.
We implement those plans in full connection with your Focal Point at your Company.
Optimize & Grow
We control the implementation of the Plan, continuously measure performance, refine tactics, and uncover new opportunities to fuel long-term growth and strengthen brand reputation.
We refine tactics based on data-driven feedback, addressing challenges and seizing opportunities as they arise. By staying agile and proactive, we help uncover new avenues for innovation and growth, ensuring your business remains competitive in a dynamic marketplace. This consistent optimization not only drives long-term success but also strengthens your brand reputation and customer trust.
With a professional outsourced marketing team, you ensure that the right people are working on the right tasks, leading to more impactful initiatives, measurable results, and an enhanced brand presence—ultimately propelling your business forward. Having a professional team incharge of understanding your business and carrying out the right actions according to your strategic challenges tends to be economical and effective.
Essency's Marketing Management Outsourcing provides full comprehensive outsourcing of Marketing Departments, leveraging your Power Triangle Model and your Plan of Growth and Reputation to fuel growth.
Our Clients Stories of Success
See what our clients are saying about their transformative experience with Essency.
Tiago Galvão
Ex-CEO, Alliance Healthcare
At Alliance Healthcare we believe leadership is mandatory. To reach it and, above all, to maintain it is only possible through a culture that fosters the spirit of partnership. And true partnerships grow based on trust. Trust is what defines our relationship with Essency. We have jointly created a concept of a unique team that helps us to build the path that links Strategy to Execution.
Our Clients Stories of Success
See what our clients are saying about their transformative experience with Essency.
Having double-digit growth in the previous three years and being considered one of the best consultants to work in Portugal, it was imperative to understand how our added value and brand were perceived by our customers to design our future strategy. We found on Essency a partner that helped us to have it clarified and, moving forward, to design a plan together that allowed us to bridge the gap between what we wanted to be as a company, for our clients and our people, and whas was not yet clear acros the market.
Our Clients Stories of Success
See what our clients are saying about their transformative experience with Essency.
Peter Gowers
They helped us turn high-leve brand strategy into specific elements of a new branded customer experience that could be delivered in complex operational situations. Their ability to draw on a broad range of perspectives from within and outside our sector helped us raise the bar on what to deliver and consider new ways to make it happen..