Some tools, and articles that are useful for consolidating thinking and promote introspection about your strategy.

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The new NXS Net Experience Score
A lot of companies have CX measurements in place.
The problem is that very few truly measure their CX: they simply evaluate isolated satisfaction
situations, trying to get insights about a complex, multidimensional phenomenon.
The new CXS and NXS truly evaluate the Customer Experience
Strategy Implementation
How to Assess Your Differentiation
For over 70 years, managers have assumed that differentiation is a competitive advantage and try to differentiate their products as much as possible.Competitive Advantages are always positive for any business but differentiated products are only positive for customers if they perceive this difference as useful and positive to them. The Competitive Advantages that are perceived as positive by customers are called Differential Variables.This is a tool for identifying and evaluating the Differential Variables.
10 Advantages of Outsourcing Your Marketing Department
Outsourcing marketing allows businesses to leverage expert knowledge, save costs, and focus on core operations. Agencies provide strategic oversight, access to advanced tools, and up-to-date marketing trends while delivering better results. Whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, outsourcing helps scale marketing efforts effectively and achieve business goals.
Is Outsource Marketing right for your company?
Outsource marketing can help small to midsized businesses with strategy or execution, but it’s only effective if the company is ready to collaborate and plan effectively. It’s not a fit for those who micromanage, miss deadlines, or lack clarity in decision-making.
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