It wouldn’t be fair not to put “On Purpose” written by Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan at the top of my book reviews.
I know both of them personally.
Shaun Smith was the person chosen by me and Eurico Nobre, one of my brightest students and currently a professor at AESE Business School, to partner with the company we both created dedicated to strategic consulting. This company evolved into Essency Consulting.
Andy is now the leader of the partnership formed between Smith+Co and Caffeine, after Shaun decided to retire in early 2020.
We have all become good friends.
Shaun is the author of several books such as ‘Uncommon Practice’, ‘Managing the Customer Experience (co-authored with Joe Wheeler) , ‘See, Feel, Think, Do’ and ‘BOLD’ (co-authored with Andy Milligan).
‘On Purpose – Delivering a branded customer experience people love’ (also co-authored with Andy Milligan) was published in November 2015. This book is aimed at leaders who want ideas, insights and practical approaches to defining and delivering their brand purpose in a world that is disruptive and digitised, where customers increasingly demand consistency across multiple channels and where consumers are favouring brands they admire for what they stand for, not just what they sell.
On Purpose is divided into 3 parts: Stand Up, Stand Out and Stand Firm, covering eight topics such as Stand Purpose Organizations, the Assertiveness of Communications, Culture and Customer Experience.
As is typical of Shaun’s works, On Purpose includes a set of Self-Assessment Models that readers can use in their company and that allow them to compare their own company with top companies that stand out for their Purpose.
Packed with quotes and examples from managers and academics – the result of Smith+Co’s research – it is an easy-to-read work that sits halfway between robust theory and a management manual.
You can find on the Resources page some of these Self-Assessment tools that I recommend you use and influenced Essency Consulting . The findings will be extremely enlightening and generate great insights into your business.