
A breif History of Marketing

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en book with red flames emerging, representing the evolution of marketing, commerce, and the power of knowledge over time.

Common marketing concepts tell us that companies should organise themselves to meet consumer needs. But one thing is certain: consumers' needs change constantly and so does their tastes. In fact, it is argued that marketing can influence tastes, wants, and desires.

The Roman emperor Oligabalos managed to outrage Roman society with his extravagance by dressing entirely in red silk, a product considered ultra luxurious and expensive in his time and which today is considered vulgar and accessible. Although marketing was only considered an independent area of knowledge in the middle of the 20th century, its techniques are ancient and are completely intertwined with commercial techniques.

This MasterClass aims to present in a condensed way the ancient history of Commerce and Marketing through the ages, explaining most of the historical events fundamentally shaped by the pursuit of Power and Wealth of the humankind.

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Having double-digit growth in the previous three years and being considered one of the best consultants to work in Portugal, it was imperative to understand how our added value and brand were perceived by our customers to design our future strategy. We found on Essency a partner that helped us to have it clarified and, moving forward, to design a plan together that allowed us to bridge the gap between what we wanted to be as a company, for our clients and our people, and whas was not yet clear acros the market.
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They helped us turn high-leve brand strategy into specific elements of a new branded customer experience that could be delivered in complex operational situations. Their ability to draw on a broad range of perspectives from within and outside our sector helped us raise the bar on what to deliver and consider new ways to make it happen..